アイデア提案型の光学システム開発企業 株式会社ジェネシアアイデア提案型の光学システム開発企業 株式会社ジェネシア

ホーム > 業務実績 > 研究業績




Applied Optics, Vol. 49, Issue 35, pp. 6697-6702 (2010)

"Manipulation and observation of Ag photodoping patterns in GeS2 amorphous films by a dual functional laser scanning microfabrication/microscope system"

Yoshikazu Kanai, Yoshihisa Murakami, and Moriaki Wakaki

The photodoping phenomenon of Ag is one of the light-induced phenomena in GeS2 amorphous chalcogenide films. It has potential as a process for fabricating photonic structures, such as waveguides and micro-optics, but its fabrication method is still under research. A dual functional laser scanning system integrating microfabrication and microscope systems was developed. In situ nanoscale fabrication by a UV laser effective for photodoping, and observation by a VIS wavelength laser, which does not affect the material, were demonstrated under same setup in one system. Several fine doped patterns were fabricated and the optical performances were evaluated. These results give the feasibility of forming various photonic structures.

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